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Virtual Vision lifts spirituality to exciting new heights.  This high calibre show hosted by two extraordinary Lightworkers bridges international boundaries on a geographical level and offers a viable foundation in which to learn, share and grow on a vibrational level.  Together their expertise serves to illuminate the great mystery of life and gives concrete evidence of the unseen from a firm foundation of wisdom, credibility and integrity.  Through interviews with amazing special guests everyone will be inspired toward the understanding there is more to everything than what we readily see.

Under the auspices of Virtual Vision is a new online show called “Quantum ~ Portal to Higher Consciousness”.  Hosted by Ara Parisien and Rev. Ted Woodroffe, this offering by Virtual Vision will feature exciting guests at the top of their field who will shine their light of understanding, wisdom and expertise where the world needs it most.

Stay tuned for upcoming announcements as we venture forward into this new frontier where Virtual Vision offers you a front row seat at the Portal to Higher Consciousness.

Co-Host Ara Parisien, International Medium and Spiritual Teacher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada brings an international flavour to the mix.  Her talent and expertise blend easily with the flow of UK energy!  Her clients span the globe and the validations she offers are undeniable.  She is truly a beautiful Ambassador of Spirit with a fountain of knowledge that flows with energy and eloquence. She is spiritually a master teacher on many levels.  Check out her bio page to learn more!

Co-Host Rev. Ted Woodroffe, Healer and Psychic Surgeon, based in the UK, brings an expertise unsurpassed in the arena of Spirituality, Angels, Archangels, Healing (various disciplines), Psychic Surgery, the Paranormal and much, much more.  He is an Ambassador of Wisdom and will share the wealth of knowledge on each and every show.  Check out his bio page to learn more!



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