Ara Parisien


Ara Parisien is a natural clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient who is fondly referred to as the ‘female John Edward’.  Her past paced style of providing concrete evidence of life after life has impacted across the globe for over thirty years.

Ara is also a spiritual teacher who assists her students to change their lives from chaos to joy.  Through the teachings of Universal Laws, the chakra system and a special focus on who we truly are, students are empowered and inspired to move toward their own innate and limitless power and potential.

As a former host of the radio show, Illusions, Ara brings her experience in radio to Virtual Vision.  Her interviews with past guests such as Gary Zukav – author of “Seat of the Soul” and don Miguel Ruiz – author of “The Four Agreements” as well as Richard Bach – author of “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” and “Illusions-The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah” just to name a few, have set the stage for even more high caliber interviews that will ultimately enhance everyone’s potential to learn and grow.

Learn more about Ara Parisien at 


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